A B O U T    T H E    A R T I S T

A native of Southern California, Kris Lael Temple  grew up in La Habra, in Orange County, CA, and later settled in Modjeska Canyon. There she raised 2 sons and continues to reside with her husband among the native oaks and sycamores surrounded by Cleveland National Forest.

​Kris is a self-taught artist. Her mother was an artist and founding member of the La Habra Art Association, and so she was exposed to the rewards of creating and enjoying art at a very early age. She was given her first oils and a canvas board while quite young, and there began a lifetime love of oil painting. While keeping up with her art, Kris additionally spent many years in the workforce, eventually retiring from a career with the County of Orange Social Services Agency.  

Kris began winning awards for and selling her work before graduating High School, and exhibited by invitation for many years during the '70s and '80s at the Hillcrest Annual Art Festival in Whittier, CA. She has won numerous awards over the years in various Southern California venues, including two 'Best of Shows' in the 1970s, and had a painting juried into the top 200 in the nation in the 1992 Arts for the Parks competition.   


  • First, Second, Third Place  and Honorable Mention awards at the Saddleback Art League Annual Spring Juried Show, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014
  • First place in Pastel Category at Anaheim Art Association Open Juried Show, 2013
  • Exhibitor by invitation at Bistango Restaurant Gallery for the fall-winter 2014-2015 season
  • Two paintings juried into the San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild Illuminations Exhibition, November 2014; awarded Honorable Mention
  • Exhibitor in the Yosemite Renaissance 31, 2016 Juried Show; awarded Honorable Mention; permanent park website illustration - website link above
  • ​​Exhibitor in the Catalina Island Conservancy's 9th annual Catalina: The Wild Side Art Show & Sale, October 2019
  • Permanent Collection: 'At the Bison Corrals', purchased by Catalina Island Conservancy for their permanent collection, 2019
  • Exhibitor in Yosemite Renaissance 35, 2020 Juried Show at the Yosemite Museum Gallery  
  • Paintings juried into the Brea Art Gallery's 30th, 32nd and 35th Annual Made in California Juried Exhibition, 2015, 2017 and 2020 respectively
  • Exhibitor in California Art Club's Welcome to California juried virtual exhibition ending January 29, 2021 
  • Exhibitor in California Art Club's  Mars: An Artistic Mission juried virtual exhibition ending May 31, 2021
  • Exhibitor for eight years in the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts / Pageant of the Masters  juried art festival

A B O U T    T H E    A R T

Kris's art is greatly influenced by a love of the natural world​ and she is drawn to paint subjects from the world around her that evoke a sense of beauty and wonder. A central focus for her work is color, as she continues to be fascinated by the challenges and mysterious ways colors, tones and values shift their relationships to one another with even the most subtle of changes.  Kris is also drawn to explore the effects of light and shadow, textures and patterns, and while her principal subject matter is from life, she continues to enjoy experimenting, often taking plenty of artistic license.

Kris finds the challenges of plein-air painting to be especially  exhilarating. The fast and loose approach with this can be very exciting and she believes there is always something new to see, and to learn from.

The work Kris does is predominately in oils and, in addition to the more traditional concept of blending colors directly on the canvas, over the years she has developed a technique she enjoys of painting in layers. She often works at layering various and contrasting colors in translucent glazes as well as having initial colors show around the edges of subsequent layers. This in turn allows her to work more with pure pigments giving the colors greater brilliance and, overall, provides an effect that she finds stimulating and enriching.​​​

Overall in her work Kris values discovery, mastery and personal growth, and feels very fortunate to be on such a beautiful and creative path at this time of her life.​​

L I M I T E D    E D I T I O N    P R I N T S


"Breathing in color​

Breathing out song

I find myself swimming

In a pool of light...

...I find my Self

Swimming in a pool of light"

​                           ~  klt

'The Sentinel in Winter' Used for Permanent 2016 website Illustration
for Yosemite National Park

​"Sitting in stillness

Turning a brush

Color takes root

In the heart


Leaping from fingertips"​                                      ~ klt


K   R   I   S         L   A   E   L        T   E   M   P   L   E

​G A L L E R I E S   &   S H O W S     2  0  2  4

'Water Music' Used in 35th Annual
Yosemite Renaissance Exhibit

"Art is the music of the soul

A means to express the beauty

and wonder

of the world

Something touches me

I am caught...

Becoming the instrument...

Discovering the essence

of a moment in time"

​                            klt

        It was a perfect spring day in the canyons for the 2024 CANYON ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR
        If you missed the show this year,  you can still go to the CANYON ARTISTS website to see
        more works of our local Modjeska and Silverado Canyon artists  at:     canyonartists.net

  LAEL  ART  STUDIO    .   Modjeska  Canyon , CA    .    Call  for Appointment:  714.697.1522